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Gospel Reflection: October 13, 2024 – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 13, 2024

Gospel: Mark 10:17-30 

Today’s Gospel is about choices. The young man who approaches Jesus has already made some choices in his life: he has obviously listened to Jesus’ preaching and believes him to be “good,” he has chosen to follow the commandments, and even comes forward to ask for the next steps. Here is where it gets tough, because now Jesus asks, “Are you willing to go all in?” It’s one thing to follow the rules and do the bare minimum, which is what this young man has done – and good for him because there are plenty who don’t even do that. But now, Jesus throws down the challenge of going beyond the minimum, taking the road that is unknown, being willing to go out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself in ways you have never imagined. It’s not about being rich or poor; there are plenty of poor who may never enter the kingdom for the very same reason. It is about losing yourself for the sake of the other. So, are you willing to go all in? 


Dive deeper into this reflection with this song by Josie Buchanan.

Click here to listen to the song


Sister Danielle Jacob, CSFN

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