I ask you to say a little prayer for my mom, today would have been her 102nd birthday. She died at a very early age but taught the three of us many wonderful ways to be and live. We were blessed. Make sure you take the opportunity to thank your parents for all they have taught you. If they have passed, offer a prayer, and tell them how grateful you are.
This week as we continue to pray for the Pope, I want to offer you something a woman shared with us during our reflection session at the parish. As we were praying and sharing some of Pope Frances thoughts for the Jubilee year, Denise shouts out “It just came to me what HOPE stands for:
H- heaven
O – opens
P – possibilities
E – everywhere, and for everyone”
I truly believe that this came from the Holy Spirit. This message sends us forth during this year as pilgrims of HOPE with many possibilities. What is important is that we come to know hope as active not passive. Hope moves us toward action, and trusting in God’s love and guidance for us, hope leads us forward. More than ever, we need to trust in God’s promises. No matter what challenges we may be going through God’s love and mercy will prevail. But we need to stay awake and make the journey; of building bridges and not walls, caring for those who are less fortunate, and coming to recognize the dignity of each individual.
To do this and move forward we first need to look at ourselves and work on the healing we may need. The more we can love and forgive ourselves then the more we can come to understand others. Our kindness and love flow from a heart that has been wounded and healed by a loving God.
As we get ready to begin Lent, take a serious look at how you may be living out this year of HOPE. Do you use every opportunity to bring the spirit of hope and joy to others? Are you moving forward despite the challenges you might be facing, or are you frozen in time? We cannot be all things to all people, but we can try to live a hope filled life that will help Heaven Open Possibilities Everywhere and for Everyone! May your journey be blessed. Let us continue to keep our Holy Father in prayer.
Till next week,
Sister Theresita