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News & Resources

Wednesday Reflection, July 26, 2023

July 26, 2023

Dear Friends,

The one thing I like as much as talking and driving all over creation is having a lively conversation – the type where you often end up agreeing to disagree. Such has been my opportunity this week. Although many topics have been brought up and solved by us, there is one that is lingering in my mind and is on my heart: TECHNOLOGY!

Mind you, I am not against technology but some of us have become slaves to the phone, iPad, tablet, and all sorts of other gadgets. As I travel, I don’t see people talking to each other anymore; they are too busy listening to their iTunes or texting. Even at a restaurant, I saw folks texting at the table instead of talking to each other!

When was the last time they heard the birds singing as they did their daily run, or heard the river flowing, the voice of another person, or even the noise of a busy street? Do they see the beautiful clouds, witness a beautiful sunrise or sunset, or see the flowers on the side of the road? I think too many people are self-absorbed in Technology and are missing the beauty that is right around them while they are busy searching for it elsewhere.

Stopping to smell and see the roses takes on a new meaning. We don’t need technology to do that. Be present to the people around you and enjoy their company. See the beauty that surrounds you!

Below is a Native American Table Grace that might help you to stop and pause and think about the food you are eating. You don’t have to take a picture of it just Eat It and Enjoy It!

The prayer goes like this:

Creator, Mother Earth, Thank you for our lives and for another day.

Thank you for the summer sun and rains that come to renew our Earth.

Thank you for this circle of family and precious time to share a meal together.

After each intention, please say this refrain:

 We are grateful for the gift of life received from the food we eat.

May we honor them in how we live our lives and share this food, may it be with great love.

May beauty be before me…

May beauty be behind me…

May beauty be below me…

May beauty be above me…

May beauty be all around me…

In beauty it was begun…

In beauty it is finished…


This week, my friends, put down some of the electronics and enjoy what God has created for you and others have provided you with.

May your heart and mind be filled with the beauty that surrounds you.

Till next week,

 Sister Theresita

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