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Gospel Reflection: August 6, 2023 – Feast of the Transfiguration

August 5, 2023

Matthew 17:1-9

Peter, James, and John were privileged witnesses to Jesus’ transfiguration. On Tabor, Jesus reflected the beauty of the Father. The apostles wanted to stay there and savor the moment. However, this grace-filled time was only temporary. It was necessary for Peter, James, and John to return to everyday life. Not only that, Jesus told them not to tell anyone what they had seen.

There is an old Carey Landry hymn from the 1970’s appropriately named “Transfiguration.” The first verse in this hymn is the line, “And how His beauty transforms us.” Later, there is another line, “How good to share Your Light.” Yes, that sums up what it means to be a disciple.

While we may envy the three apostles for having received that special privilege of witnessing Jesus’ Transfiguration on Tabor, we are witnesses at each Mass of the transformation of simple gifts of bread and wine into the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ. We can gaze on Him and be transformed by our reception of the Eucharist. However, we are not asked to keep it to ourselves. As Jesus reflected the glory of God, the Father, we must reflect the glory of God, the Son.

Have a blessed and transforming week!

Sister Marcella Louise Wallowicz, CSFN

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