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Gospel Reflection: August 13, 2023 – The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 12, 2023

Mt 14:13-21

On this Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we meet Jesus as He teaches the people, feeds them, departs for prayer on the mountain, and finally walks on the stormy water in the iconic image of His power over the seas. Jesus had spent many hours teaching the people and he provided for every need of those he taught. Then, He proceeded to His favorite spot, the mountain, to commune with His Father in prayer. Upon coming down, Jesus sees the apostles in the boat which represents the Church of which they would become the first leaders at Jesus’ commission. They are struggling with the tumultuous waves; and Jesus walks toward them, assuring them of His power, His strength, His love, and His friendship. His presence on the water assures each of us that He walks with us through the problems, difficulties, anxieties and struggles of the journey which we make in this life. His smile and His guidance are our strength, hope, and consolation. Peter, the eventual leader of the Church, is offered the opportunity to walk on the water; and while his eyes are focused on Jesus, Peter is firm and steady. When, as we know, Peter turns His eyes away from Jesus and focuses on the storm, he falters. This is the message for reflection this weekend. Each disciple and friend of Jesus may ask how he/she might increase faith in the omnipotent and loving person of Jesus to steady the journey for us in this life. Spend some silent time with Him on the mountain in prayer and ask for an increase in trust that He will always be there to steady our steps on the journey.

Sister Diane Marie Corrado, CSFN

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