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Wednesday Reflection: August 16, 2023

August 16, 2023

Dear Friends,

Memories are wonderful things, especially when they pop up unexpectedly!

This morning after Mass, a memory of working at Resurrection Parish in Farmingville, New York came to mind. We had been in the process of building a new parish and it was the day of the groundbreaking when one of the children came running to me and shouted, “Sister Terry! Your relatives are here!”

Out of the mouths of babes! How did she know they were my ‘relatives’, as she called them? Probably because they were all dressed in black and white! She recognized the garb of a religious, and connected the dots!

This calls to mind a piece I read recently, written by Pope Francis, encouraging us to be modern prophets by guiding others to the Holy Spirit, and also to something I talked about last week: about being a true Christian, and the cost of doing so.

“Prophets are not limited to the Biblical figures who anticipated Jesus’ coming… a prophet, brothers and sisters, is each one of us,” says Pope Francis. “A prophet is one who, by virtue of Baptism, helps others read the present under the action of the Holy Spirit, which helps people understand God’s plan and align themselves.” A prophet, then, is someone who shows Jesus to others, who witnesses Him, who helps others to live today and build tomorrow according to God’s design.

Lizzy, that precocious child I mentioned, recognized my ‘relatives’ because we were all dressed the same. Are we recognized as prophets by virtue of the way we live out and witness our Baptismal call?

We can’t change the whole world, but we can make it a better place to live, right where we are, by living out the message of Jesus in the Gospels. That’s what REALLY counts: being a visible witness in the here and now, right where you are, not so much preaching but witnessing.

Have a wonderful week, my friends, and keep an eye out to see if you can recognize all of your Christian ‘relatives’!

Till next week,

Sister Theresita

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