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Gospel Reflection: September 24, 2023 - Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 24, 2023

Matthew 20:1-16a

Vineyard workers labor at various times throughout the day and agree to receive a fair day’s wages. Some labor from before dawn while others are hired throughout the day. Eventually the last group hired end up working one hour. ALL are paid the agreed upon amount of a day’s wage. Naturally those who sweated all day were profoundly upset with the Master, who personifies God. But God’s generosity is not ours to question.

It seems unfair, doesn’t it? Yet who are we to question God? God will not be outdone in generosity. He replies,” Did you not receive a day’s wages for your work?” Once again, we realize that God’s ways are not our ways. We are not God. Perhaps it is time to sit with our image of God…then to re-think and be grateful for the many resources God has given us: life, faith, hope, love, health, heat, bread, a roof over our head, family, comfort, security, etc., etc., etc.

How has my generosity matched God’s goodness and generosity to me?

It might be time for me to makes some changes in judging God and others as well.

Sister Mary Jane Hahner, CSFN

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