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News & Resources

Wednesday Reflection: October 11, 2023

October 11, 2023

Dear Friends,

We live in a very busy world, with so much constantly happening all around us. We in the Church-world are listening and learning about the Eucharistic Revival and the Synod in Rome. I have already shared some of my thoughts on the Eucharistic Revival, but let me share a bit more.

When we learn to hand everything over to God… we begin to see God’s hand in everything.

This can be a tough call, especially today when most folks seem to want to own and control everything about their life, work, family, and Church. When your own hand is the one doing everything, it can be hard to let go!

So how can we live in this Kingdom of God?

Jesus teaches that we need to live our lives in terms of humble service and trust in His plan, else we risk losing everything. Jesus also tells us that the only way to participate in the Kingdom is by understanding how vast and sacred it is. We can be a part of it, but the Kingdom itself is something no human can own. It belongs to God, and is evidence of God’s hand in all of our lives.

Our hearts are far too small and our impulses far too selfish to think that we could ever fully manage God’s Kingdom… or our own lives. Jesus wants us to know what it means to be His Church; do you realize that not even the Church itself owns the Kingdom? Always see the hand of God in everything!

The Church itself serves the Kingdom and serves us by showing its healing, joy, acceptance, mercy, and grace. That is what it means to be a Church – not the people in control of everything. And that is what it means to have the privilege of being members of Christ’s People: trusting in God, and knowing that God’s hand is in everything.

During the week, think and reflect upon how you let God be in control of your life, and where you need to learn to give up some control yourself!

Till next week,

Sister Theresita

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