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Wednesday Reflection: November 1, 2023

November 1, 2023

Dear Friends,

It’s Pumpkin Season! And how do I know? Well, if you live out on the east of Long Island, the LONG lines of traffic coming from the city going to the farms is outrageous! Locals often stay home as it can at times be impossible to get out of your driveway. Believe me, this is not far from the truth! So instead of picking on COVID, I thought I’d pick a pumpkin! 

There is a prayer that resurfaces on the internet during this time of year and I always look forward to it as a reminder. Although it is a little late for Halloween, it speaks of how a Christian is like a pumpkin. There is no author, but I find the concept inspiring. You can keep these thoughts before you in prayer, or better still, while you are carving a pumpkin or creating a Christian!

The first thing you do is pick out a pumpkin from the patch (or the store, etc.). Jesus has picked YOU to be His very own and you are special. You take the pumpkin home and clean it off. Our sins have been washed away through Baptism; it is then you begin to form your original pumpkin carving (or Christian).

To get to the inside, the top of the pumpkin needs to be cut off. This is like opening our minds so we can learn more about God’s ways! Today, I just happened to be learning how to recognize the messages of Hope that come when I am in need. What do you want or need to learn about God?

Now the fun part! We get to scoop out the insides consisting of seeds and some pumpkin mush. As a Christian, we need to clean out those seeds of betrayal, disappointment, greed, anger, jealousy, hatred, and doubt. It isn’t the easiest part and can be messy, but so is life.

Ah, now the carving begins: first the eyes. As Christians, it is so vital to learn how to see with the eyes of God. This is a tall order but not impossible. Practice makes perfect and I am sure I’m not the only one who needs practice.

Do I see people as they can be, or do I judge? Can I see with the eyes of love despite challenges?

The Nose is next. Do I appreciate that which God has given me? Am I grateful, or do I put my nose up at what has been given and desire more or better?

Next comes the mouth, and this can be a real challenge in so many ways. Does what I say, ‘speak live’? Do my words bring people closer to God or send them running? Can I be silent when opinions may differ radically? Does the mouth bear a smile that speaks of God’s love? Does it share God’s joy?

Ears, these can be difficult to carve and to function. Do I hear only what I want to hear and block out all other things? Do I listen to people or am I preparing my answer for when they finish speaking? Is it at times hard to listen to things we don’t want to hear, be it the truth?

All the above is a lot of work but worth it for when the candle is placed inside, no matter what the pumpkin looks like it is part of God’s creation, with your help. The light will shine forth and permeate the space, sharing its glow of God’s creation, love and wisdom. Strive to Be that light of God inside the pumpkin, inside that Christian.  


Til Next Week,

Sister Theresita

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