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News & Resources

How Eucharistic is your life?

November 4, 2023

This past week (October 20-28) marked the 31st Annual International Week of Prayer and Fasting whose theme this year was Miracle of the Eucharist. The organizers noted that “more than ever, we need prayer and fasting to protect life, to safeguard the sanctity of marriage and family life and so much more.” The nine days consisted of prayer, fasting, the Mass, the rosary, Eucharistic Adoration and presentations by national and international guest speakers.

An article in the October 19 issue of Heart of the Revival newsletter posed this question, “How Eucharistic is Your Life? The author, Rev. Francis J. Hoffman, the Executive Director of Relevant Radio, who is known as “Fr. Rocky,” shares inspiring insights and stories of encounters with Jesus in the Eucharist at

A recently published study “Eucharist Beliefs: A National Survey of Adult Catholics” conducted by Georgetown University’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) of self-identified adult Catholics reported that nearly two-thirds (64%) of those surveyed believe in the Real Presence, that is, Jesus Christ is truly present under the appearance of bread and wine in the Eucharist. This is a remarkable increase from the 31% reported in the 2019 Pew study and may point to the success of the National Eucharistic Revival.

However. the CARA study also reported that only 17 percent of adult Catholics physically attend Mass at least once per week. This is down 7 percent from pre-COVID attendance. “It’s still not good news,” commented Bishop Andrew Cozzens, who serves as board chairman of the National Eucharistic Congress. The bishop further explained that “what it reveals is that there’s people who say they believe in the Eucharist, but they don’t go to Mass.”

In response to the diminished Mass attendance, Bishop Cozzens, in a recent interview with Our Sunday Visitor added, “What we need is not just good catechesis — we do need that — but we also need to invite people to a relationship. Helping people understand that it (lack of belief in the Real Presence) is not just an intellectual problem, it’s a problem of the heart in that sense of relationship with Jesus. What we’re really seeking is inviting people to an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist, because that’s what will have the biggest impact.”  This is precisely the goal of the National Eucharistic Revival.

There are many ways to get involved in the National Eucharistic Revival, but desire for personal renewal and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ must come first.  Many resources such as The Pulse, the Heart of the Revival newsletter, worship aids, group study guides and video presentations by Bishop Cozzens, Fr, Augostino CFR and other national speakers are available to support you as you strive for personal renewal.  These materials can be accessed from the National Eucharistic Revival resources page website:

The Eucharistic Revival is for everyone because everyone is invited into relationship with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. No one is excluded from this invitation.  God bless you and your families as we strive to grow closer to our Eucharistic Lord during this Year of Parish Revival. May the Saints and the Holy Souls accompany us on our journey.

Sister M. Marcella Louise Wallowicz CSFN

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