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Gospel Reflection: December 17, 2023 - Third Sunday of Advent

December 16, 2023

Jn 1:6-8, 19-28

Gaudete Sunday! Rejoice! This is usually the halfway mark in Advent, and we have cause to rejoice that the long-awaited celebration is almost here. This year we are already two thirds of the way through…all the more reason to be joyful that the coming of our God is so near at hand!

John the Baptist knew this. He recognized that his years of preaching, baptizing and converting were coming to a close. He would joyfully turn over his ministry to his cousin and he was aware of what an awesome act that was.

In today’s world it is also our privilege to bring the same message to others, to be the voice crying out in those deserts of darkness, pain, violence, war, poverty, in a world in conflict. It seems like a difficult world to speak to, but we can. Shout (or gently whisper) that joy, that love, that hope even if it is to only one person at a time. The Jewish people understand that acts of kindness and love are just as important even when they are only in our thoughts. Those thoughts of love and kindness can spread far and wide.

So let us take this time, so close now to Christmas, to recall all our blessings, many or few, and with gratitude bring glad tidings to those among us so greatly in need. We have been blessed and it is now time for us to hand over the joy of those blessings to everyone still held captive in mind, body or spirit.

Advent is not just about Jesus’ coming, but our coming too, our coming into a world that needs us to be Jesus for others. Who is that “one among you” most in need of your generous, loving spirit today?

Sister Cathy Fedewa, CSFN

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