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Wednesday Reflection - January 1, 2025

January 1, 2025

Dear Friends,

I am writing this while I am finishing my packing for Rome. Presently, I am in Philly and really excited! I didn’t want to miss writing to you on the feast of the Holy Family. WOW, I cannot believe that I will be in Rome for the opening of the Jubilee Door at St. Peter's Basilica, for the celebration of our Congregation’s 150th Anniversary, and the celebration of the Feast of the Holy Family with a good number of my sisters. Oh, I will also ring in the New Year here as well!!! Who could ask for more, with so many blessings? 

This is my new mantra for the year “Happy 2025, it’s a hope filled time to be ALIVE”. Do you remember where you were in 2000, the turn of the century? I do, I was in Les Cayes Haiti at the diocesan mission house visiting my priest friend, Fr. Bill Konicki. With all the talk of Y2K I figured I had nothing to lose by being in Haiti. I must say as I was praying on the roof, the view of the sky was astonishing. In no way could human means produce such a beautiful sky. God was making all things new for me! Can that be 25 years ago? I’ve traveled a lot of ground since then and ministered to many people.  

What does this Feast of the Holy Family and the New Year bring to me? Well, if I allow it, and am aware of the role model the Holy Family plays for me, it can be a very hope filled year. Each of our journeys are in God’s plan, and He only has plans for the good in our lives. (Rom 8:28) During this new and most blessed year, take the extra time to pray and count your blessings even if they may seem scarce. There is abundance in gratitude, be grateful for what you have and let go of what is not!  

This new year is one that is filled with hope that God is with us and that we can do that which we set our minds to. Like the Holy Family, we need to trust our God, say YES to Him, and follow as faithfully as we can His will for us. I am going to write a new chapter of my life this year, and I pray that you will find a way to celebrate all things that are new for you as well. Ciao Roma! 


Till next week, 

Sister Theresita 


PS New can always mean viewing our situation in a new way! Sometimes things don’t change but our perspective or attitude can.

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