To save you, lost and wandering far,
To find you, where dark shadows are,
I leave heaven’s bliss, its heavenly seat,
To lie in a manger, straw and wooden bed,
For I love you, and long to save.
To draw you to Me with these holy signs,
My love’s sacred tokens, these divine designs.
For you, I suffer, fight, and toil with care,
Myself, completely, as a gift I bear.
To die for you upon the altar’s cross,
To win your heart at any cost.
To give myself to you in this Sacrament.
My Love to nourish you, my heart’s delight,
In Me you’ll find, in every moment’s span,
Strength, comfort, life and endless light.
So heed My call, dear child, do not delay,
Come unto Me, I’ll guide you every day.
Come close to Me alone, for I can do all,
Give me your heart, and I’ll answer your call.
Live with Me, and I’ll be with you,
Reigning and dwelling, ever new.
Die to yourself, and live in Me,
In love’s pure flame, forever free.
I am your Father, confidant, and friend,
Your soul's beloved, till the very end.
And if you’ll stay with Me, so near,
With bonds eternal, I’ll hold you dear.
As one we’ll be, through all the years,
Bound by love, and freed from fears.