Readings: Isaiah 62; 1-5, John 2; 1-11
(Although it’s the second Sunday of Ordinary time, the readings in the Liturgy today are far from ordinary. They take all of us to a time of festival! Two ideas from God’s Word spoke to me.)
Isaiah and the Psalmist both push us to “Shout it out!,” to proclaim all that God has done, is doing, and will do for us! How can we not be joyful that God delights and rejoices over us? Scripture invites us to be glad and grateful at how involved God really wants to be in our lives; and not just politely associated. Let us absorb the truth that God always invests in us, wants to give us all “new names” that reflect a life filled with love. Sounds like an ‘engaging’ proposal to me!
Names are verbs in Scripture. They are never taken lightly. One’s name reveals aspects of life that emerge with age and experience. When persons are given new names, they also take on new missions. Their actions are blessed by God, who always supplies a supportive bond of love that empowers them. Isaiah lets us in on one of the names God gives: “My Delight.” Do we believe God? How much? It’s said that we live out of who we believe we are. Is not God true to his word? If we believe that we are God’s “Delight,” let’s take up the mission of Jesus to help restore love and peace, especially in our corners of influence in the world!
Then, there’s John’s Gospel. It lands us right in the middle of a wedding reception! Jesus, fresh from gathering his first followers is invited. He joins Mary, who had something to do with the wedding reception. Just before the wedding Jesus told his first followers that if they followed him, they would witness ‘angelic, divine’ things, that his Father asked of him. Little did they know how soon the ‘timing’ of his words would be realized!
In the middle of the reception, Mary notices that the wine is running out. (One wonders if the new followers of Christ had something to do with the depletion!) Her biggest concern was for the newlyweds. They invited but weren’t able to provide for the celebration. Cana is a small town… they would never live it down!
After the Angel Gabriel announced God’s request to Mary, she knew that her Son was God’s Son, that he would one day be revealed as Lord through signs and wonders seen in public. But with the wine supply down to the last dregs, she knew a sign of his Godly power was needed, then and there! Though Jesus was unsure of the timing, Mary shows him their need! Her initiative allowed Jesus to see his Father’s will revealed through her urgent, compassionate request. Mary is so certain of God’s will, she tells the servants (and each of us,) to “Do whatever he tells you.” Then, Jesus changes water into the purest of wines, and extended the wedding feast! This first sign of his glory confirmed his disciples’ belief in him! God’s actions in our lives are meant to do this!
As Mother of Jesus and of the Church, and, as any insightful mother, Mary broadens and deepens her child’s empathy. Knowing when and where to love as God loves, sometimes needs a mother to urge us on, to be alert to the Father’s will on how to further his Kingdom!
Sister Mary Louise Swift, CSFN