Here we are in February Already! Is time going faster for everyone, or am I just getting older? Anyway, just in case you missed it, last Sunday was the celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life. In 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day for women and men in consecrated life. This global celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd. This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples. Blessings to all those in religious life.
I mention this because as I was praying, I was thinking of all the different celebrations taking place, World Day for Consecrated Life, The Jubilee Year of Hope, and my Congregation’s Jubilee of 150 years since our foundation. The words Yes, Hope, and Trust, kept coming to my heart. It continued as the words reminded me that all of us, no matter what our vocation, would do well to live by them.
We all make commitments in life, and we continually need to say yes, in many different ways. We say yes to God’s plan in our life, yes to our spouse or children, yes to commitments we have made. How do I say yes? Are my heart and soul in my response? Do I negotiate before I say yes? Do I sometimes regret saying yes? Life circumstances may influence how we say yes, but praise God, may we continue to say yes to Building up God’s Kingdom.
The Pope’s call to being Hope-filled people on a journey can be as challenging as saying yes. It can be so hard to be hopeful when life gets difficult. Do we remember to call out to God for help and hope? Am I a person who lights the spark of hope in someone or do I put a wet blanket over the little hope they have left? How do I sustain my hope in my everyday dealings? What do I do when the hopeless spirit captures me? Where do I go? Whom do I seek?
Lastly do we trust and believe we are living out “our yes” in such a what that brings joy to our God. We were created for a purpose and each of us must make the journey we are called to. Trusting that God loves us no matter what can be difficult at various times in our life. It is easy to almost forget, that God loves us unconditionally when all is going well. What happens when we have to stop and pick up the broken pieces? Do we trust in God’s love then?
It is amazing how celebrations can stir up such challenging questions. Take some time during the week to look at them. How do the words Yes, Hope and Trust resonate with you? May your journey with those words bring you peace.
Till next week,
Sister Theresita