“Keep the momentum going and the graces flowing!”
It has been eight months since the 2024 National Eucharistic Pilgrimage, culminating in Indianapolis last July. The five days in Indianapolis brought together tens of thousands of young people, thirsting for a deeper relationship with our Eucharistic Lord.
The Church recognizes the gift that young people are to the People of God and the Eucharistic Revival. Two models for today’s youth will be elevated to sainthood this year. On April 27, in conjunction with the Jubilee for Teenagers, Blessed Carlo Acutis, co-patron of the National Eucharistic Revival, will be canonized in Saint Peter’s Square. On August 3, during the Jubilee for Young People, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati will be canonized.
Last year’s pilgrimage to Indianapolis attracted many youthful pilgrims along the four routes. At the invitation of Bishop Cozzens, another pilgrimage will take place this year. Styled the Saint Katherine Drexel Route, the pilgrimage will begin on May 18 in Indianapolis and follow a course through the Southwest, arriving in Los Angeles on June 20. Archbishop Jose Gomez will celebrate the Corpus Christi liturgy for the pilgrimage participants and the faithful of Los Angeles on June 22. This event will mark the end of the three-year National Eucharistic Revival.
Soon we will begin the Season of Lent. A common question is “What are you giving up for Lent?” Giving something up is a practice we’ve been engaged in since childhood. With Ash Wednesday a few days away, now is the perfect time to choose a Lenten practice that can change our hearts.
God has blessed the Church with the Eucharistic Revival. A prospective practice would be to do something, big or small, that will draw us into the Revival and increase our intimacy with our Eucharistic Lord. One possibility is a weekly Holy Hour. Many parishes have a scheduled weekly Holy Hour or have an Adoration chapel. Alone with Jesus in front of the tabernacle, we can speak freely of the matters of the heart while offering praise and adoration. Eucharistic Adoration is also where God speaks to us, loves us, and sustains us.
The Season of Lent offers us the opportunity for personal, interior renewal. Seize the opportunity!
Blessings during this Lenten Season.
Sister Marcella Louise Wallowicz CSFN