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Wednesday Reflection - March 12, 2025

March 12, 2025

March 12, 2025 

Dear Friends, 

“O Happy Fault, O Happy Lent”! Ah, some of you will be reading this during the first week of Lent, others a little later but you are in for a real treat. I am confident that God constantly takes care of me. Why? How? Because I always receive a thought for this reflection time. Let me share with you the latest.  

"When life breaks you, it is because you are ready to be put back together differently. Every piece of you that feels shattered is a piece that will find a new place, a new purpose, a new meaning. Trust that the cracks are where the light gets in. And sometimes, in our brokenness, we find our greatest wholeness. We find the courage to rebuild, to reimagine, to redefine what it means to be strong. You are not broken; you are breaking through." (Author Unknown) 

Powerful, and that is what Lent is all about. Being human, being broken, redefining ourselves and breaking through. Since we all belong to the human race there will be times, (for some of us many times,) when we feel broken or sinful, in whatever form it takes. The good news is that God can enter into those cracks and help us find the person we were created to be. Again, we are all in process and change takes time if it is to be permanent.  

So, what does your Lent look like this year? How are you planning to come closer to God during this time? The Forty days of Lent give us that extra time to take our relationship with God more seriously. The question is, will I take the time? Or will I just go through the motions of Lent? Give up some stuff, say a few extra prayers and throw a few extra bucks into the special collection. God wants to fill your life with His Love. Give Him the opportunities to do so. You will be happy you did. 

Just a little encouragement…take the time, it is worth it. Let that Light of God shine through you! 


Till next week, 

Sister Theresita 

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