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Gospel Reflection: March 16, 2025 - Second Sunday of Lent

March 16, 2025

Second Sunday of Lent 

Gospel: Luke 9:28b-36 


Good stuff happens in the great outdoors! I grew up in a small town, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Pennsylvania Blue Mountains and living in a river valley. There was always something exciting to see and do in my little portion of paradise.  

Growing up in this environment infused within me a contemplative spirit, even as a little child. I became curious about and fascinated by the nighttime sky, the river’s changing pattern, the variety of trees and wildflowers and the singing birds. Even though I didn’t yet have words for God, I knew Him in his bounteous creation and experienced His deep and abiding presence and care. 

In today’s readings, God reveals himself to Abraham as he is invited to contemplate the night sky and in the Gospel to Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration. Sacrifices and covenants are made, the voice of God is heard, and visions of glory are made manifest and seen.  

In the quiet beauty of the natural world, we can simply ‘breathe” with the heartbeat of our earth’s natural rhythms, we can come to a place of calm in the midst of our daily chaos and turbulence. With all our senses we can see, hear, feel, smell, touch and taste the goodness of God that we so desperately need in the times in which we are living.  

Today, find your own Mount of Transfiguration, even if it’s just a simple stroll in your local park or watching the dandelions spring up in the cracks of a sidewalk. God is there, waiting for you to notice! 


Sr. Michele Vincent Fisher, CSFN 

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