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Wednesday Reflection - March 19, 2025

March 19, 2025

Dear Friends, 

Happy St. Joseph’s Day! And lest we not forget St. Patrick who celebrated earlier this week. It is great having two special saints during Lent. As we have already begun our journey into Lent, it would be good to see where we are with our feasting and fasting. 

I have to confess, during an event last week for my local Rotary club, as I was handing our nourishment to the runners, I responded to their ‘I gave that up for Lent’ with “you need to replenish your energy, so enjoy this and then be extra kind to someone today.” I have a feeling that Jesus would have been right there with me. Sometimes our fasting needs to take on other forms, especially those that move us out of our comfort zones. 

I was thinking about that when I was preparing our OCIA Elect for this Sunday’s readings about the Samaritan woman at the well. (John 4:1-26). Jesus was never afraid of crossing cultural, religious, or gender barriers. He wanted to share his grace with all, no one was excluded. Jesus knew the woman and he was willing to meet her where she was at in her life. Jesus lets her and us know that He is the living water that speaks of eternal life and a relationship with Him brings fulfillment. 

The Samaritan woman is a fitting example for those of us who hesitate to bring God’s good news to others because we feel unworthy. ALL of us are God’s instruments. The woman leaves behind her water jar which symbolizes her leaving behind old burdens, and she embraces the new life in Christ. During this Lent, what am I willing to leave behind so that my Easter will be filled with joy! Perhaps, I need to spend more time in prayer or fasting on things other than food. Perhaps I need to move out of my ‘safe zone’ and reach out to others. Do I need to fast from gossip? Or do I need to leave behind an old grudge? 

No matter how or what you do during this Lent, know that God is longing to be with you. Allow yourself the time you need to draw closer to Him and you will not regret it. I am sure that the Samaritan woman would be happy to join you in spreading the good news that Jesus is the Living Water who comes to fill our souls. 


Till next week, 

Sister Theresita  

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