JER 17:5-8
PS 1:1-2, 3, 4 AND 6
1 COR 15:12, 16-20
LK 6:17, 20-26
God knows our hearts. God loves our efforts. God lifts us up in times of need. This Sunday's readings encourage us to recognize and depend on the power of Almighty God in all life's circumstances. God's grace sustains our everyday efforts to respond to the poor among us. “The poor” doesn't merely mean those who are financially limited but can also refer to those lost souls we encounter who are in need of a simple act of loving kindness. A smile goes a long way and a genuine “how are you today?” can lift one's spirits tremendously. God knows each one of our attempts at living the Gospel so that we are blessed. Jesus tells the disciples that caring for the poor and feeding the hungry will make them blessed. Conversely, he call the disciples and us to task: WOE to us for our disingenuous living! May we choose to love our neighbor more than ourselves.
Sister Mary Jane Hahner, CSFN