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Gospel Reflection: April 18, 2019 – Holy Thursday

April 18, 2019

JN 13:1-15
Do you celebrate Holy Thursday as the “Last Supper” or the “Lord’s Supper”? One offers us a sense of Jesus’ last meal with his disciples. The other reminds us of a feast where Jesus promised that he would never abandon us and “the bread that He gives is for the life of the world and is His flesh.” So on this most holy night when Jesus broke bread and shared the cup we are assured of his ongoing presence in our lives. We share in the pledge that those who eat his flesh and drink his blood abide in Him and He in us. What a marvelous gift…one that we celebrate daily and gives us the strength to become like him and follow his example in washing the feet of those who gather at the table with us.

Today, Jesus gave us two memorials, one tells us who we are and the other how to act. As you participate in the Lord’s Supper and are on your way to receive Holy Communion let St. Augustine’s comment on the Eucharist remind you to “Be what you see and receive who you are.”
Sister Rose Marie O’Barski, CSFN

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