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Gospel Reflection: July 7, 2019 – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 6, 2019

Luke 10: 1-9

The Gospel reading on the mission of the 72 disciples identifies many qualities of discipleship that are contrary to what today’s world encourages in its citizens.

In today’s world which focuses on the accumulation of material possessions, Jesus tells His disciples to not bring anything for the journey but to rely on the hospitality of others and to show gratitude for what others are able to share with them.

In today’s world’s which is wrought with noise and distraction, Jesus asks His disciples to not waste time but to focus on mission and be instruments of peace.

In today’s world which disdains and excludes, Jesus offers concrete solutions to assist the marginalized. He tells His disciples that they should visit those who are sick, cure the lepers and confront the evil in society.

In today’s world which fails to recognize Jesus’ presence and which hungers for love more than for food, Jesus asks His disciples to not live separately but to sit at table with saint and sinner, without rendering judgment.

Just like the 72 disciples in the Gospel reading, Jesus sends us as His disciples to each person we meet in our daily lives. Although we may not know where our journey with Jesus will lead us, He gives us the gifts we need for this great missionary adventure.

Blessings on this coming week and please pray for more disciples on the journey!

Sister Marcella Louise Wallowicz, CSFN

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