As we reflect on the power of prayer in our lives, we must realize that God does not ever need to be persuaded to help us. The repetition of our requests to God help us and put us in a peaceful disposition. We pray over and over not to rouse God to awareness but to ground ourselves in the confidence that God will ALWAYS help us. God is our rock and salvation. He hears us in the silence of our hearts.
In the Lord’s Prayer, we pray that His Kingdom will come on earth and among us in our hearts and lives. When we place ourselves in God’s presence, we are keenly aware that He is our guide, friend and brother. This brings unending peace and joy to our daily lives and work.
We pray too in the Lord’s Prayer that the relationships we have with one another will be every perfected and worthy of God’s divine gifts. That we may be people who forgive and people who reach out is the call of the Lord’s Prayer. Knowing God provides for us, the challenge is: What will we do for His people, our brothers and sisters? The Lord’s Prayer is not a blank check kind of prayer. We must understand and mean the words we say. God is calling us to be people of peaceful sharing of His life and love in whatever corner of the earth we find ourselves.
This week as we reflect on prayer and in particular, “The Lord’s Prayer,” may we remember that NOTHING is EVER IMPOSSIBLE with God.
Sister Diane Marie Corrado, CSFN