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Gospel Reflection: Sept. 29, 2019 - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 28, 2019

LK 16:19-31

The Parable of the rich man and Lazarus is a classic one to understand the demands of covenantal relationships. Lazarus is not blessed with the wealth of the richer man; and we come to realize that care and concern for the poor is an essential component of any relationship with the Lord God.

Jesus came to bring the poor to His loving heart and into His Kingdom.

Lazarus did not even have the basic food needed for a day of life. The rich man totally ignored Lazarus’ need. The challenge for each of us that we must help people like Lazarus even in very small ways. Jesus’ words and actions verified the guidelines of the Old Testament. We must look around us to see the needs of men and women, young and old. Is someone sitting in Church with you in need of assistance? Is a child with whom you are going to school suffering? Is someone in your work being bullied? Is someone in the schoolyard being bullied? Is there a homeless person you see as you go to work? Is there a person who does not have his/her next meal? Someone around you may need a simple smile.

So, on this September weekend, we must accept the challenge to be vigilant against the threat of complacency, lest we lose touch with all those who don’t have we are used to having.

Sister Diane Marie Corrado, CSFN

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