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News & Resources

Oct. 2: Wednesday Reflection

October 2, 2019

Dear Friends,

Recently I shared with you a story about what spills out of your cup when it is full. The idea was to fill your inner cup with lots of good things like kindness, respect, compassion… the list goes on and on. The weekday readings last week spoke of the Israelites rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. They were also released from exile and given so many opportunities to rebuild their own lives. Interestingly enough, their cups were pretty full.

Yet even though they were acquiring homes and personal possessions, their joy was not complete. One might say, “What is your problem? You have everything you need and want!” But there was that missing piece. Although they were rebuilding the physical temple, they perhaps hadn’t brought God into their personal lives.

Have you had a time in your life when everything seems to be going exceptionally well? You have a nice home, car, plenty to eat. Your children are happy in school; things are going well at work; and, you are not lacking for anything. Yet there is something missing. Those “things” became the priority and God started coming in last place. Like the Israelites, we need to stop and remember where all the goodness that is filling our cup comes from.

In the month of October, we have many Saints whose life (cups) were full and yet they had the sense of something missing. They found their fullness in the mystery of our God. Just look at St. Therese of Lisieux, her little way; St. Francis of Assisi, rebuilding the Church; and, St. Teresa of Avila, challenging and speaking the truth. These and many other saints are a true inspiration to all of us. They help to remind us that God needs to be our priority, then all other things will follow.

This does not mean that our lives will be without challenges, for all these saints suffered in many ways. But just think how much easier it can be if we constantly remember that God is always with us. During this coming week, list all the good things and people that are a part of your life. Notice where God fits in that list. My guess you will find your cup is full and hopefully God is right there on top.

Till next week,

Sister Theresita

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