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Gospel Reflection: Oct. 6, 2019 - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 5, 2019

LK 17:5-10 

I had a conversation with a young woman a few weeks ago. Reflecting on her job she remarked “all I have to do is show up.” Initially I was horrified then I realized how accurate and honest she really was. I was sad, though, that a person’s chosen life’s work was not bringing fulfillment. This conversation provided a good transition to today’s reflection. 

I don’t think that Jesus in today’s Gospel is asking us to think that our work is meaningless but to rather to put our work, our careers, in proper perspective. What is the “why” behind what we do? Is it for attention, for praise, for comparison to another? The New Living Bible gives a wonderful translation of Col. 3:17: “Whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.” 

In our modern time we spend so much of our day “when not on the job,” behind the wheel of a car, at a computer keyboard, in line at a grocery store, doing laundry, etc. etc. It is sobering to reflect on how these seemingly inconsequential and unpraiseworthy tasks of daily life can impact our eternal salvation.  These everyday tasks can reap abundant spiritual riches for us and others when we bring Jesus with us. 

It is a privilege to be His hands, His voice, His presence as we journey through our day. The work still to be done is abundant which is why we, like the servants in today’s Gospel story, cannot take off our aprons just yet. May we continue to rely on God’s strength! 

Sister Marcella Louise Wallowicz, CSFN 

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