A clean heart create in me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me. Ps 51:12
I am not sure if you’re like me, but I can only stand a mess for so long, then I just have to clean it up. The motivation may be that I receive a call from a friend who says they are coming over to visit. Yikes!!! Clean, clean, clean. Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Well, the good news is that today, Ash Wednesday, we are reminded that we have six weeks to put our spiritual home in order. Perhaps there is some spiritual cleaning that we need to do to prepare for Easter. Well, now is the time to start. During these weeks, we have the opportunity to spend more time in quiet reflection, perhaps do a little more reading of the Gospels or a good spiritual book. We may want to divest our minds of some the business that fills our days. How can we declutter our physical and mental life so our spiritual life can become strengthened and renewed?
Each of us needs to take an inventory and see what needs to be cleaned up -- bad habits, (gossiping, procrastination), distracting activities, (TV, social media), or just plain dissatisfaction with the status quo of our spiritual life. So, what shall it be? Are we ready for some spiritual house cleaning? There are so many aids out there to help us: parish retreats, days of recollection, soup and Stations of the Cross. We even can find a journal and reflect on the readings of the day. (Just a simple thought). Or, we may want to find a companion to journey with this Lent -- sharing can be very rewarding.
Six weeks -- plenty of time “to create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within.” Happy cleaning and Happy Lent! Take advantage of this time. You will be happy you did.
Till Next week,
Sister Theresita