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Gospel Reflection for Sunday, March 15, 2020- 3rd Sunday of Lent

March 14, 2020

John 4:5-42

In talking with a friend who is dealing with a prolonged physical handicap, she said that people will often ask her how she is feeling. When she responds with: "Somewhere between helpless and invincible,” they get quiet. She went on to say that this is the place where grace abounds. As I ponder today’s Gospel, my friend’s response rings true.

The Samaritan woman was in a place of spiritual helplessness. Her encounter with Jesus forces her out of helplessness as He asks her to look beyond herself to respond to the need of another: Give me a drink. Startled by such a forward request, she enters into the encounter with the One who is Living Water. She lets Jesus see into her soul, into her helplessness and hopelessness, and therein finds grace. As she returns to her village to share the Good News of the mercy of God, she becomes invincible –No longer I, but Christ who lives within me.” Next time someone asks, just tell them you’re “somewhere between helpless and invincible!”

Sr. Michele Vincent Fisher, CSFN

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