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Scripture Reflection: Aug. 30, 2020 - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 29, 2020

JER 20:7-9
ROM 12:1-2
MT 16:21-27

Jeremiah cries out “You have duped me, O Lord and I let myself be duped.” (Jer 20:7) I believe that is so true in or lives especially now. Our daily lives are filled with confusion and news that can dampen our spirits. We can be duped into frustration, fear, and doubt or we can choose to be beacons of hope and joy by finding strength in our faith. Like the Psalmist we can cling to God for we know his right hand upholds us. We can take Jesus’ words to heart and cheerfully carry our daily crosses. Maybe the simplest way to keep a positive attitude in spite of all our difficulties is to faithfully… act with justice, love tenderly and humbly walk with our God (Micah 6:8). He will never let us be duped.

Sister Rose Marie O’Barski, CSFN

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