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Gospel Reflection: Sept. 13, 2020 – 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 12, 2020

MT 18:21-35

A definition for forgiveness could be: allowing your heart to overcome negative thoughts, experiences or feelings, turning them to thoughts that are positive and healing. It’s not so easy to overcome hurt feelings or situations, but the heart knows how, if given the chance.

In this Sunday’s gospel, we see how this can happen. When the servant begs his master for time to repay the loan, the master has pity on him and forgives the loan. However, the lesson does not register with the servant. This servant turns to a fellow servant who owes him money and throws him in jail until he repays what he owes. He did not get what forgives is. Also, in the gospel, Peter asks Jesus how many times must he forgive someone, and Jesus replies seventy times seven. In other words we must always show forgiveness.

In some situations it’s easy to show forgiveness, like when you say something to a friend that’s unkind. You can turn around and say that you are sorry for hurting their feelings and your friend accepts the apology and things return to normal between you. But there are situations when someone cannot forgive someone for what they did; the hurt goes too deep.

There are so many things happening in life today that need a good dose of forgiveness and understanding. Ask yourself today: What in me or around me needs forgiveness? Can you pray about it and ask God to help you find the forgiveness you need to show to others? Can you start by forgiving yourself?

Sister Rebecca Sullivan, CSFN

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