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Gospel reflection: Nov. 29, 2020 – 1st Sunday of Advent

November 28, 2020

Jesus invites us to be aware of what is happening around us and within us. In our uniqueness we are gifted as no other with potential and hope for a world yearning for new life. Will I choose to slow down to listen to my heart beat? To another's cry for my presence, consolation, or a smile of comfort? Will I sense my inner beauty and offer this to a coworker, a family member, someone whose hope is faint? Will I acknowledge Emmanuel's presence within me and offer this to another living in terror, fear, pain or trauma? Do not let the drowsiness from worry or anxiety keep you from being light, hope, peace, or joy to another. The time is now and you are here, in this time with this person and this place. Listen and be aware of the potential that is yours. The world is waiting and so am I.

Sister Maria Kruszewski, CSFN

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