The changing political environment in the U.S. is on the minds and hearts of most everyone in recent weeks. With great change comes reflection. To that end, a few of our sisters offer their thoughts and prayers about hope for the future.
Srs. Janice Fulmer and Janice Blados found themselves contemplating the losses we have experienced, both personally and together as one nation, over the last year.
“The evening before the inauguration we began the process of grieving for those we have lost from the coronavirus. Silently we recalled the names, faces, and those unknown to us except through a prayer request.
“Tears came quite easily as the 400 columns were illuminated [during the Jan. 19 Covid-19 Memorial]. A sense of hope took the place of the pain as we collectively remembered and acknowledged those who died. Our prayer was one of possibilities for a future filled with hope and promise for all.”
For Sr. Mary Paul Haase, moving forward together into a new day led her to offer this prayer for the future of our world:
“Dear Jesus, Mary and Joseph, please pray for the vulnerable, helpless, and voiceless unborn baby Americans, and the unborn throughout the world.
“Save their lives, persuade and convict their parents that adoption is better than abortion. Let these babies' lives be saved, and may they be adopted into a loving family.
“Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, mercy."
We know that there is a long road towards unity for all of us. We invite you to join us in prayers of healing as we move forward as one nation and one community, creating an environment of love in which all are welcomed as members of our Nazareth family.