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Gospel Reflection: Solemnity of the Resurrection – April 4, 2021

April 4, 2021

John 20:1-9

During the past year many of us have had to face the loss of relatives, community members, friends, or loved ones due to illness or violence. Sorrow became very real in 2020 and continues in 2021. While having to deal with some personal and frustrating physical challenges during this pandemic, a friend commented that Holy Week provided her with the opportunity to journey with Jesus in a more intimate way. He is present in the loneliness that accompanies illness.

Holy Week is an emotional roller coaster! We are all extended the invitation to journey with Jesus from the hosannas and praise of the crowds on Palm Sunday to the sadness of Judas’ betrayal on Holy Thursday, from the gift of the Eucharist at the Last Supper to the pain of His suffering in Gethsemane, and from the grief experienced at His crucifixion and death on Good Friday to the ultimate triumph, that is, His Resurrection, on Easter Sunday. Jesus walked His Calvary abandoned by many of His closest friends but we walk ours with His faithful companionship.

The readings of this Easter Sunday remind us that the sorrow, the confusion at the empty tomb, and the despondency of Mary Magdalene, Peter and the Beloved Disciple over the death of their Friend were transformed into incredulousness and joy upon encountering the risen Jesus. Easter is a reminder that no matter how much despair, darkness, hatred, destruction, and death is in our world, Jesus transcends it and He will never abandon us.

A Blessed and Joyous Easter to you and all your loved ones!

Sister Marcella Louise Wallowicz, CSFN

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