With so many events postponed or outright cancelled over the past year, it is with grateful hearts that our sisters were able to safely gather at our Provincialate in Des Plaines, IL to honor and celebrate our Sr. Marta Gadzinowska’s Silver Jubilee for 25 years as a Sister of the Holy Family of Nazareth!
Sr. Marta was joined by sisters who were honored for their own auspicious jubilees:
Sr. Bernadine Wachowiak, Sr. RoseMarie Machalski, Sr. Elizabeth Trembczynski, Sr. Patricia Ann Koschalke, and Sr. Phyllis Siedlecka, honored for 70 years; Sr. Elizabeth Jean Ronkowski, honored for 65 years; and Sr. Karen Kellereski and Sr. Catherine Fedewa, honored for 60 years;
The sisters celebrated with a Eucharistic Liturgy of Thanksgiving, followed by a small reception. What a blessing it is for all of us to be able to benefit from these sisters' many years of experience in serving the Lord and our community! We are so very grateful that we were able to spend time together safely, after these many long months of abstaining from even the smallest of gatherings.
We pray for Sr. Marta, and all of our sisters celebrating jubilees this year and wish them many more fruitful years of service in the spirit of Blessed Mary of Jesus the Good Shepherd (Frances Siedliska), and in the name of Christ the Lord.