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Gospel Reflection: April 25, 2021 – 4th Sunday of Easter

April 24, 2021

Jn 10:11-18

 “God has placed in man a longing for truth and goodness that only He can satisfy.”

(CCC 2002)


On this Good Shepherd Sunday, the Fourth Sunday of Easter 2021, we reflect prayerfully on Jesus’ role in our lives as the Good Shepherd who actually gave His life for his flock.

Shepherds are known for their keen awareness of the characteristics of their sheep as they graze on the mountainsides and meadows. No greater truth could be said in terms of how our Brother, Savior, and dear Friend Jesus knows each one of us. Jesus will take care of every need we have, because he individualizes His care for His flock. Each one is special and unique to the Shepherd. This is how much we mean to HIM!

How does our Good Shepherd nourish and feed us? How does He protect us? How does He recognize and guide us? These questions give food for thought and prayer during the coming week.

In which areas of life does each person who reads this meditation need protection? How does each one need to be fed? What can our Good Shepherd help lead us toward that may be a new opportunity or calling?

May we always follow the voice of the Good Shepherd who is Jesus, Risen and Alive, as He goes before us to the “Galilees” of our individual and communal journeys!

Sister Diane Marie Corrado, CSFN

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