The Gospel this weekend from Mark’s fifth chapter speaks of the healing power of Jesus, His compassionate understanding of people and their needs and, also, the call to discipleship for all of us. Jesus crosses boundaries as he heals the woman with a hemorrhage, an affliction she has suffered for many years. In giving her a new beginning in life, free from illness, she is also restored to her rightful place in society. Jesus “sees and understands” her need on the physical, emotional, and societal levels.
As Jesus heals the daughter of Jairus, he removes the fear of Jairus and encourages faith. His healing of the girl is a reward for faith and a promise of great things to come. Jairus will be a witness and disciple, spreading the news of the Lord Jesus’ life and love. The daughter is destined to be one who proclaims the great things God has done in her life.
The challenge for each of us is to dare to cross boundaries. Reach out to the ones on the fringe of society. Do not be afraid to extend the healing touch of the Good Shepherd. Rejoice in His power and love with no fear nor limits. Remove the isolation of those who need compassion and hope!
Sister Diane Marie Corrado, CSFN