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Wednesday Reflection: November 2, 2022

November 2, 2022

Dear Friends,

"Gratefulness helps us return to ourselves, restoring our equilibrium and helping us to see beyond what’s broken to the beauty and wholeness of life." (Tim Roberts)

I am sure that you will agree that is a week of connected feasts and celebrations; the ever-popular Halloween (or All Hallow’s Eve), All Saints Day, All Souls Day, and the upcoming National Vocation Awareness Week. They all seem to call one to a time of silence and reflection.

The more I thought on this, the more I reflected on my own vocation story. There have been so many people who are part of my vocation journey. Some of them are still alive (and full of fun); others are role models for me; and still others have passed away, but are still so fondly remembered. This is the perfect time to sit and reflect on how I got to where I am, and the people who have helped me to get there. Folks who were there in times of joy and sadness; the friendship and compassion they showed is immeasurable!

No matter what vocation of life you are in, people have played a great part in your journey. November is a time of remembering, of looking back and being grateful. During this week I suggest that you take the time to create a list of people who been with you on your journey. Take a walk down memory lane. If they are still around, why not write them a note of thanksgiving?

What a treat it would be for them to hear from you, and a joy for you to remember the role they played in your life! As we think about the Saints and Souls who have gone before us and have influenced our lives, think about the qualities or virtues they possessed that you really admired. Why not bring them to life again by practicing that quality and helping their lasting light to shine through you?

All of this doesn’t seem like much. Still, I feel that it can help to strengthen your own life and the life of those you reach out to. Imagine what it would be like if everyone received a letter of thanksgiving, or you shared someone’s generous nature. I think this would be a much more peaceful world. We hear about so much violence today; why not share the wealth of the Good News, given to us by our God and by your acts of kindness and life-giving virtues?

So, till next week may you be grateful, so your gratitude and the light from those actions will brighten our dark world. Remember in your prayers all the wonderful people who have helped you get to where you are today.

Till next week,                          

Sister Theresita

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