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Wednesday Reflection: April 5, 2023

April 5, 2023


Dear Friends,

Even though we are just headed into the Triduum, I thought I would focus on Easter Sunday for this week’s reflection. May the rest of your Holy Week be blessed.

So Happy Easter! May the Risen Lord bring you joy, peace, love, and an abundance of courage and wisdom to BE disciples of Jesus!

It would make seem fitting to say that Easter comes to us in the season of Spring. Like nature which has been lying dormant and comes to life at this time, Jesus lying dead in the tomb comes forth with ‘New Life’, that which is promised to all of us.

Nature dies as part of the cycle of the seasons; Jesus died so as to redeem us from our sins. Both deaths bring new life. To appreciate the New Life, we need to remain awake and not lose hope. Sometimes our Spring can play tricks and give us less than desirable weather, but in the end, the flowers, trees, plants, and grass always blossom and grow. We just need to keep our eyes open to see it. As for Jesus and the Resurrection, we need to see with new eyes and believe in what He promised, “that after three days, He would rise again.”

As we can miss nature coming back to life, we can miss the resurrected Jesus, just like Mary Magdalene did. Even though she was in His presence, she didn’t recognize Him at first. Could it be that perhaps this was because she had lost hope or just feared the worst? Jesus’ death was so horrific, how could He ever be present to them again? And yet, with the grace and movement of the Spirit, Mary does finally recognize Jesus. Perhaps it is His voice, or she truly believed in the promise to return. Whatever it was, Mary opened her eyes and heart in witnessing the Resurrected Jesus.

My challenge to you, dear friend, is to look back on your Lent and see if your praying, fasting, and almsgiving have brought you to a new place this Easter.

What are the new paths you are being asked to take? Not to worry if you aren’t sure about this New Way just yet, for upon His return, Jesus was constantly saying “Do not be afraid” and “Peace be with you”. As for me, a reflection on my Lent and the challenges of new life and new paths, are what lie before me. Do we hear Jesus say, “do not be afraid, I am always with you”?

Be blessed, be joyful, and know that you are loved.


Till next week,

Sister Theresita


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