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News & Resources

June 11: Wednesday Reflection

July 11, 2018

Dear Friends,

I love putting together a puzzle. There is something exciting when you can find one piece after another and they all fit -- no searching and just pure delight. Well, that is how this week’s reflection came together.

Listening to K-Love, the song "Words" by Hawk Nelson came on:

“Words can build you up
Words can break you down,
Start a fire in your heart or
Put it out,
Let my words be life…”

It sounded like some of the things we heard this past week when I gathered with other sisters to reflect on how we treat one another, during a renewal retreat conducted by Charlotte A. Dillon. Then, we have the Gospel reading from Sunday, Mark 6:1-6, where Jesus is challenged by those in his own hometown: “Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son…? What is this Wisdom that has been given him?” Jesus responds, “’A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.’ He could not do any miracles there…”

All those pieces coming together made me think about how words and attitude are so important. How do we treat one another, especially those closest to us? We tend to be much harder on those we live with than on total strangers or acquaintances. What is it? How do we create right relationships and use our words thoughtfully and genuinely? It takes a lot of honest inner work. The results are evident in how we treat others. Do we speak to others in a way that we would like to be spoken to? Are we able to congratulate, praise or affirm another? These are all keys to building a better world and better relationships.

I am sure that Jesus was disappointed by the reception he received in his own home town. Have you ever felt disappointment in the way you were treated by those you love? Strength comes from the fact that you are in good company, since people did it to Jesus! Watch yourself this week and see if your words build up or tear down, start a fire or put it out. Pray for the wisdom to use words that will be life-giving.

Till next week,

Sister Theresita

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