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Wednesday Reflection - May 1, 2024

May 1, 2024

Dear Friends,

May! Can you believe it?

There are several special days in May – Mother’s Day, for example. The month of May is also dedicated to Mary. During this month, I pray to Mary for all mothers, as we are living in challenging times.

Several years ago while living in Des Plaines, Illinois, I attended Mass at the Sheil Catholic Center at Northwestern University. As I waited for Mass to begin, an elderly gentleman transported his frail wife in a wheelchair, right up to the front pew. The gentleness and care with which he transferred her to her seat was breathtaking. Each movement was like a dance, nothing rushed, nothing hurried, just pure loving gentleness. It was then that I said to myself, this is what Mother’s Day is all about.

This man treated his wife, the mother of his children, with a compassion and gentleness that I had not seen for quite some time. It called to mind the thought: how do I treat others? Am I put off by their lack of keeping up, or physical handicaps?

I know that I am not always so gentle and kind, but I will tell you that I will carry that image in my mind for a long time to come. Hopefully it will influence the way that I treat people.

Turning to Mary, I want to share with you a beautiful prayer that one of our Sisters shared with me. I now share part of it with you in the hopes that it will lead to reflection and lift your spirits; the prayer is titled “Annunciation” and is credited to Ann Johnson.

…In awe Mary listened, with the firm beat of her heart, she listened.

With the deep stroke of her breadth, she listened, listened for Yahweh in stillness.

The Spirit streamed into her being, greeting the core of her soul.

Hearing, she stretched for the life source, embracing the quickening call.

“How is this? I know not!” she responded. Stumbling in God’s desert of time.

“But you speak and all things come together. I will... as you say... LET IT BE!”

Her lifetime of shadowy knowing was confirmed in the quieting joy.

Summoning cadences, ancient and deep, echoed the call of God’s peace.

Mary arose and went out. Holding the knowledge of change, went out.

Accepting the newness of challenge, went out. Went out to begin the task.

In the warmth of those arms, she knew, Ancient pathways opening before her, she knew.

Words of her people streamed from her mouth, she knew. Available, knowing her God lived within her...

May gentleness, peace, and wonder fill your week as we remember and honor our mothers and Mary. To all moms, Happy Mother’s Day on May 12th. May Mary be your model.

Till next week,

Sister Theresita

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