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Gospel Reflection: May 5, 2024 - Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 4, 2024

Jn 15:9-17

The overarching theme of the Gospel reading is love. What is love? It is not the same as being “in love.” The latter is an emotion while the former is a choice. Jesus directs us to the meaning of love – to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. What is a friend? Simply put, a friend is someone we care about.

To lay down one’s life for a friend seems somewhat extreme. Yes, there have been saints who have done so - Maximillian Kolbe, Edith Stein, our own Martyred Sisters of Nowogrodek; however, we also lay down our lives through simple daily actions in which we put others first such as comforting a child, visiting a shut-in or providing warm clothes or a hot meal for a person in need. Each time we practice a corporal work of mercy, we lay down our life.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta reminded us, “We are not called to do the extraordinary, but rather the ordinary, with great love.” When He walked this earth, Jesus laid down His life in the extraordinary – His Crucifixion – and in the ordinary – feeding the hungry, welcoming the little children and touching the leper.

Today’s gospel closes with Jesus’ reminder, “you have not chosen me, I have chosen you.” Yes, He has chosen us to continue His ministry – to be His Hands, His Feet, His Heart. The final question in today’s reflection is, will we accept His invitation to care for a world in need?

Sister Marcella Louise Wallowicz, CSFN

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