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Wednesday Reflection - May 8, 2024

May 8, 2024

Dear friends,

Our Easter season is nearing an end. The feast of the Ascension brings us closer to our next greatest feast, Pentecost. Soon the Apostles will be embarking on the great ministry of spreading the Good News of Jesus to the world!

I recently came across this interesting story and thought it bears witness to how the Apostles had to see all others as they spread the Word:

A newly married couple moved into their new home and in the morning the wife looked out her window and said to her husband ‘Wow, she really needs to learn how to wash her clothes better. Maybe she needs a new washer or better detergent.’

Her husband said nothing. Every time she did her laundry the wife would make similar comments. Then one morning she looked out the window and said ‘Look, she finally figured out how to do it right. I wonder who taught her.’

Her husband finally responded, and he said ‘I got up early this morning and washed our windows!’

And so it is with life… what we see when watching others depends on the clarity of the window through which we look.

With the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, I truly believe that it was then that they began to see clearly what their mission was. The lessons that Jesus taught them started to make much more sense. They would be filled with Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge, Courage, Reverence, Wonder, and Awe. They would have many challenges to face, but their prayers would pay off.

In today’s society, there are so many people who are hurting and need to be heard and treated with gentleness. Each of us needs to make sure that we have a clear window, a new vision, when viewing those we live with, work with, or minister to.

How do we keep that window clear?  Who are the people who help us clean that window? Am I willing to see with new eyes? Spend some time this week reflecting on these thoughts.

Have a wonderful week and know you are blessed.

Till next week,

Sister Theresita

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