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Wednesday Reflection - May 22, 2024

May 22, 2024

Dear Friends,

Last week we celebrated the feast of Pentecost. We spoke of the gifts of the spirit and hopefully spent some time with them. This week, I would like to share the Fruits of the Spirit.
We have heard the saying ‘by their fruits you shall know them’. Throughout your life, I am sure that you have witnessed as well as experienced the fruits I will name. Living a life in and of the Spirit, we cannot help but produce the good fruit of a faith filled life.

The fruits of the Spirit are:

  • Love is the primary fruit of the Spirit and encompasses selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional affection and care of others, regardless of circumstances.
  • Joy is the ineffable presence of God in one’s life despite external circumstances.
  • Peace develops an inner state of tranquility and harmony, both with God and others despite difficult circumstances.
  • Patience is the ability to endure trials calmly without becoming easily angered or frustrated.
  • Kindness is characterized by a compassionate attitude toward others showing goodwill and empathy in actions and words.
  • Goodness involves an excellence and integrity to do what is right and honorable.
  • Faithfulness refers to a loyalty in fulfilling commitments and responsibilities both in relationships with others and God.
  • Gentleness is the quality of being humble, gentle, and considerate in interactions with others avoiding harshness.
  • Self-control is the ability to exercise restraint over one’s desires, impulses, and emotions, leading to disciplined and balanced living.

There you have it. Being human, there are many times that we may fail to produce these fruits, but there is always another season. God loves us just the same and offers us other opportunities to bear fruit for others in need.

Take some time this week to examine these fruits. Which ones are easier for you to live out? Which are more difficult? Who are people who you have experienced these fruits with?
Choose one fruit that you feel strongest with and bless it. Take the most difficult one and practice living it.

Am I a bearer of good fruit?

Till next week,
Sister Theresita

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