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News & Resources

Wednesday Reflection: June 5, 2024

June 5, 2024

Dear Friends,

Here we are in ‘Ordinary’ time, now that most of the Celebrations are over. Though the Church celebrates Ordinary Time, I am not sure that in our own lives we can experience anything more than ordinary times. Hopefully, with the coming of the summer months, we will be able to take time for ourselves and for those we love.

I remember reading in the book Song of the Seed, by Macrina Wiederkehr, that creating space is very important in our lives. Just like in typing, if we didn’t have any spaces, all the words would run together, and we wouldn’t understand the message. A good example is the word NOWHERE. Without any spacing, it can simply be nowhere, as in not anywhere at all. Spacing makes all the difference: add a space and it becomes NOW HERE! It is important to create space for God and our spiritual life.

With all that is occurring in our world, some might almost proclaim that God is NO WHERE to be found amidst all the sickness, violence, and injustice. What can we do to change that into God is NOW HERE? I believe that we need to make some time and space for God to enter into our own hearts, asking God to send down the fire of His love, the Spirit.

We need to STOP and listen to the sound of God’s challenge for each one of us. For each of us, the challenge may be different, but one thing we all have in common is the belief that God is with us and the plans He has for us are plans for the good. Again, this may be hard to see, but we need to allow ourselves to stop and listen.

Have you taken the time to thank God for the good in your life, for the small blessings, and for the courage to continue each day not knowing what can happen next? Have you taken the time to look at who you are as a person and see how you can develop more fully into the person God created you to be? Have you made space for Him and blessed all that has been given to you?

Granted, God’s timing and ours don’t always coincide but remember that making space changes NO WHERE to NOW HERE. Think about it and watch your spacing – it makes all the difference.


Till next week,

Sister Theresita


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