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Wednesday Reflection - June 26, 2024

June 26, 2024

Dear Friends,

We all have experienced storms that can create, change, bring chaos, confusion, fear, sadness and even sometimes destruction. The other thing that I am sure of is that we all have had these storms in our lives or seen them in the lives of those we love. Well, we have been going through some storms here at Saints Philip & James Parish and we have definitely been in the wake of some change, chaos, sadness, and resistance.

But God has a sense of humor, as well as ways to let us know that He is always there in the midst of the storms. How do I know? Well, on the day we were saying our farewells to our beloved pastor, Fr. Tom, I received this message my in mailbox:

Today, God wants us to know that there are times when a change of direction is for your highest good. It takes courage to change direction. Choose the path your heart agrees with and walk with your head high and your eyes open. Let the wind of the spirit take you where it will. Don’t be afraid.

So as the winds swirled around us during our gathering, the spirit kept reminding us that all would be well. Do not be afraid but walk with God knowing that “for the Plans I have for you are plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

What is all of this saying to your heart? Is God calling you to something new that will cause change in your life? Are you willing to let go and believe that ‘All will be well’?

For myself, I have been in many a storm and when I look back I see that all the change was for my good, although at the time I didn’t think so.

Spend some time this week gathering your ‘storms’ and see where they have led you. My guess is Blessings came with the storm and change.

Till next week

Sister Theresita

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