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Gospel Reflection: July 7, 2024 – 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

July 7, 2024

Have you ever felt misjudged by someone who you thought knew you? Have you ever misjudged someone?  We think we know a person but there is a depth to each of us that only God can see.

The people of Nazareth were skeptical of Jesus despite all the miracles He had performed in other towns. His Nazareth neighbors probably recalled a young boy playing with His friends or attending synagogue with Joseph or a young man learning the skills of the carpenter trade. Jesus grew up in a seemingly normal family that we might brush off as ordinary and miss an opportunity to experience God’s grace acting in and near us.

Misunderstanding and rejection are the reality of being a follower of Jesus.  He experienced rejection, the disciples experienced rejection and we will experience rejection.  Sometimes it will be by those closest to us. And we will reject others, too. Misunderstanding and rejection can be paralyzing.

Lord, free our minds from rash judgements and preconceived ideas. May we recognize You in the ordinary events of daily life.

Sister Marcella Louise Wallowicz CSFN

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