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News & Resources

Wednesday Reflection - August 7, 2024

August 7, 2024

Dear Friends,

We have reached the ‘dog days’ of August! This made me think of something that a friend once said to me: “you are as tenacious as a bulldog”. This led me to thinking about the words perseverance and persistence. (My mind can sometimes race like a ticker tape!)

That lead me to look up the definition of the words. Persistence means a firm continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Perseverance is persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

Both words speak of not giving up, no matter what. Nothing can really be accomplished without both of these words and accompanying attitudes. As I finished reading the book ‘Holy Moments’, I realized that my life would not be the same. Once you start recognizing ‘holy moments’, there is no turning back. God’s participation in our life becomes so evident, so real, and also in the lives of others. One needs to be persistent in seeing God in the events of daily life. With that, one needs to persevere in the journey of spiritual growth.

Human nature can at times cause us to be discouraged and the last words we want to hear are ‘don’t get discouraged, persevere in your idea, stay persistent on your journey’!  Matthew Kelly shared a different way to approach discouragement by saying “Don’t stay discouraged”, this way you can continue to firmly continue to achieve your goals both worldly and spiritually. How we face discouragement can change our life. We can become despondent and just give up, or we can see it as a steppingstone to change and growth.

All of this can sound like a tremendous task on a HOT August day, but trust me, it is all possible. We can remain persistent and persevere if we keep in mind those holy moments where we’ve opened ourselves up to God and made ourselves available to Him. Frequent reception of the Eucharist and spending some silent time before the Blessed Sacrament are ways to strengthen us on the road to persistence and perseverance in our spiritual life.

What are some of the practices or goals you have become discouraged with lately?

Spend some time with them this week and see how you can persevere in accomplishing that which God has created you for. Be Bold, Be Persistent, Be Persevering; God has created you for greatness, “for the plans God has for you are plans to prosper and not to harm you to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

May your week be filled with hope and opportunities to grow in your spiritual life.

Till next week,

Sister Theresita


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