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Gospel Reflection: August 4, 2024 – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 4, 2024

John 6: 24-35

In the Gospel account of Jesus feeding the 5000, Our Lord provided the hungry crowd with bread, physical nourishment, and those assembled ate until they were satisfied. The next day, the people returned, eagerly waiting to be fed again. They put an expectation on Jesus. Do we do the same? Ordinary bread may fill our stomachs, but it will never satisfy our souls. No matter how good a meal is, we will be hungry again. We eat bread to survive but partake of the Bread of Life to live.

We, Americans, have a passion of food. Just observe the number of commercials on television. But do we have a passion for the Eucharist? Can we keep alive the flame in our heart ignited by the Eucharistic Revival and recent Eucharistic Congress?

A nice home, a well-paying position, a successful career, good health are just some of the wonderful gifts that God blesses us with; however, do they bring us true happiness, or do they leave the desire in us for more? Hunger for material possessions can be insatiable. Today, take a few moments to reflect on this Gospel reading and ask yourself, “What do you hunger for?” Is it the Bread of Life? Or is it something else that will only temporarily satisfy?”

Sister Marcella Louise Wallowicz CSFN

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