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Gospel Reflection: August 11, 2024 – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 11, 2024

John 6:41-51

“…unless the Father chose him”

The beginning of the above quote is “ No one shall come to me…”

No one shall come to Me unless the Father call him.

We have been called, chosen by God through our Baptism.  We have become children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ.  We belong to God.

God chose us, you, me, and others to be His chosen.

For the last few Sundays we have been listening to the Gospel reminding us that Jesus is the “bread of life”. That we who eat this bread will not hunger because it is Jesus Himself who is the nourishment. It is Jesus Himself who provides the satisfaction for our hungry souls.

In recent times, it is sad when we read surveys telling us that Catholics who believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is decreasing so much.

What has happened? Are we becoming immune to the real presence of Jesus in Communion? Is going to receive Communion at Mass a reality for us? When is the last time you received Jesus in Communion?

Let us pause at this time in our life and reflect on our relationship with Jesus. He waits daily for us, for you, for me. 

How can you renew your desire, your belief, in the real presence of God in the Blessed Sacrament? What does Holy Communion mean to you at this very moment? It is said we become what we eat. Let us make and take time to receive our Lord in the Blessed Eucharist and become more like Him.

Sister Celeste Hupert, CSFN

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