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Wednesday Reflection - September 18, 2024

September 18, 2024

Dear Friends,


By the time you are reading this I will be on a long-awaited vacation. So, to give you a treat I am going to share with you a story one of my friends wrote. Ten years ago, when I started writing these reflections, I used a story written by the author Joni Woelfel. Well, after sharing it, Joni emailed me, and we became writing friends. Just recently, she sent me this story that I want to share with you. As we begin our ‘new year’ so to speak, I think it merits sharing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 

Never too Late, by Joni Woelfel  

We have had our crabby tortoise-shell cat Pixie for about 18 years. She decided to make our covered porch her home, so my husband built her a nice wood house and she gets fed many times a day.  We take good care of her, even though she is temperamental and sometimes scratches and bites, if she wants to be left alone.  

Pixie gets very lonely, and whenever I go out there, she entwines around my legs, and I have to hold tight to railings, so I don’t stumble and fall. I always talk to her, which she seems to like.  There are about a half dozen neighborhood cats that visit daily, stopping by for a snack or just to say howdy.  Pixie at best ignores them, but mostly scowls and puts her ears back, as if saying, “Get out of here, you’re not welcome.” You would think that as lonely as she is, she would like the company, but nooooo, she is very territorial and set in her ways. 

The visiting cats are polite and stay out of her way.  Pixie reminds me of us humans, who sometimes act the same way, not realizing we could be on good terms with people we view as unwanted in our lives, and even become friends. It’s all about perspective, isn’t it?  Today, a beautiful black and white tomcat came to visit who I call Pretty Boy.  He is extremely outgoing and confident, very respectful of Pixie.  Today, she did something I have never seen her do in all these years.  She and Pretty Boy were standing at my feet, and she went over to him and touched his nose in a congenial way, and I could tell she was smiling a cat smile. I thought, “Will wonders never cease?”   

This was a big deal with spiritual lessons, a memo that patience pays off.  Situations, faith and people can change, even after 18 years!  It reminds me that when we stand at the foot of God, when we show hospitality, he probably says humorously, “Good grief, it’s about time.” I love that idea, of God bending down, talking to us and complimenting and encouraging us.  Since this is a new season of joy, Pixie proves that we can start small with reaching out, if we’re not used to it…and grow from there.  See, the thing is, Pixie has always been a very anxious cat, which is the source of her unfriendliness. It brings compassion and understanding to know the root of her problem, just as understanding the heart of the world’s problems aids us in embracing what is and offering help in big and small ways. Pixie’s journey reminds us of the spiritual wisdom from Romans 12:12: “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and faithful in prayer.”  If Pixie can change, so can we!   

There you have it. Amazing what we can learn from others, even animals! Hope this story gives you much to think about during the week. 

Till next week,

Sister Theresita


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